Tag Archives: babblings

Random Events of Last Week

Bearing the crown is such a burden…

Last week brought the celebration of Epiphany with it. We crowned two kings: One was rather unfazed about it – see above – the other immediately picked a fight with the crown, not realizing that is him… a hit of a schizophrenic ruler…

Last week was also the first work week of the year and for some reason I feel like I did more of everything else than working. Must be the fact that I spent what felt like more time at the doctors than at the (home) office. Tuesday I had an appointment with the dental hygienist and a check-up with the dentist after over 1.5y owing to covid (they didn’t get around to invite all of the patients on time as they fell behind schedule in spring with the complete lockdown). All went well but I finally had to replace a filling that was starting to corrode around the edges, so that was done on Thursday.

The worst of the doctors appointments was Wednesday when I had to get the last of three tick-borne encephalitis vaccination. The second one already left me with massive side-effects for two days so I was expecting to suffer again. And so it was: Minutes after I left the docs office my arm started to cramp and hurt and then tingle. This spread all over my shoulder and neck and I soon felt feverish and flu like. Luckily the yoga session in the evening offered some relief through stretching and thus I was able to fall into a deep coma quite early in the evening… and thus missing the whole riot at the capitol in Washington…

What a shock it was to wake to the news that the U.S. finally managed to fall into the pits of a system way removed from the democracy it stands for. It pained me immensely to realize what a mess has been made of Obama’s legacy. America is such a great place, I sincerely hope the new president will be able to quickly reunite the country and lead it back to its democratic principles of former days.

Luckily, the week ended on a good note, finally bringing some sunshine with it after all the gray and dulled days. Let’s hope for some more sunshine, snow and maybe cold to bring about a frozen lake to be enjoyed by many in different ways.


Monday, December 21st we made it true: We gathered a few things and escaped into the Finnish woods for a little getaway.

Away from the pre-Christmas frenzy, the corona craziness and the general hubbub during the Holiday season.

See ya next year, lovely Switzerland. Hope you’ll do well and welcome us back with lower infection rates. We do our part by self-quarantining in the woods.


When returning from my run yesterday afternoon I got a really bad scare as my neighbor called me with the news that another neighbor across the street called him with bad news: She had a dead kitty in the garden and she was afraid it might be Elvis, one of the kitties who have chosen me as their guardian. I took the news pretty stoically as I tend to but decided to walk up to Elvis favorite place, the chicken coop to gather my thoughts and brace myself for the possible blow. And who was there, happily chilling away in the sun with the chickens??!? Elvis!!! I was so happy and relieved I just broke down and cried and cuddled both Elvis and JB, his brother who had followed me up to the chickens from home. Then I sent my neighbor a photo and called him and we sniffled some sniffles of relieve together. We’re so happy to have our fosterlings safe and sound.

Still, my heart is aching for the family who actually lost their kitty today – so very sad. May the little tiger race the meadows of eternity with his furry friends.

Sofa Sunday

This weekend we got a first taste of the approaching fall – it rained incessantly for two days straight. What better to do than spending some time on the sofa, drinking tea, reading or watching a good movie.

When I’m lounging on the sofa I’m seldom alone these days as Elvis’ favorite spot to cuddle up is on a throw on the couch.

But I didn’t spend all my weekend hours inside. I also got myself out into the rain for a run twice. On Sunday for a 90min run which Nike Running Global Head Coach Bennett made bearable by saying the right things at the right time.

While out on the long run I saw a field mouse crossing the road in the torrential rain and once on the other side it had troubles getting onto the sidewalk so I helped it up and into the wide field away from the gushing waters pouring down the sidewalk. It quickly snuck underneath some clovers and seemed content enough.

Though the weather was quite awful to be outside in without a good umbrella, I still enjoyed the run and the feeling of badassery I carried throughout it and into the rest of the day.


About a week ago for whatever reason I suddenly remembered southern buttermilk biscuits. Not sure what brought this on. When I tasted these the first time down in Texas I remember thinking to myself “Wow, this is like sour cream – there should be no meal without it!” I’m pretty sure many of you out there share that sentiment (though not necessarily when it comes to sour cream, that’s just my very personal taste).

Anyways, today I finally managed to get some done for myself and oh golly, are they delicious… not sure how I survived without them cold turkey for almost four years… I missed you guys!!

Not one to usually talk to food but this one just speaks to me.

Cutting Capers

This year I’ve seen more young calves out on the pastures for the first time frolicking at their hearts’ desire than any other year.

It is heartwarming to see how much joy they derive from simply being outside, enjoying the fresh air and new sights.

How simple yet joyful life seems when seen through a fresh pair of eyes. Thank you four-legged creatures for bringing your joy to me and letting me in on the beauty of outdoors.